What do we eat in the morning around the world? Discover 10 sometimes surprising, but always tasty traditional breakfasts to try while traveling!
Traditional lunch in Cuba: tropical fruits, fried plantains and omelet
“Breakfasts in Cuba are amazing, with lots of tropical fruits , freshly squeezed juices, fried plantains, omelet, bread and cheese,” says Aaron Sobeski, a Canadian who has traveled the island as a sports journalist.
If you’re not staying at a resort, like 95% of Canadians who stay there, you’ll find much better food. A few Canadians, and many more Europeans and South Americans, rent a room from private individuals. Their hosts often prepare such hearty breakfasts for them that they can last until the evening without eating anything else. »
Traditional lunch in China: dumplings, fried noodles and congee
Walk around any Chinatown in North America on a Sunday morning and you’ll see plenty of families converging on dim sum. Dim sum is a procession of small dishes, such as fried or steamed dumplings , pan-fried noodles, congee (a rice gruel , named jook in Cantonese) and pastries.
In China, it’s a time to build relationships with the community and to provide a cooking holiday for mom. During the week, the Chinese often eat homemade congee, a tasty dish, with meat and seafood. Chinese donuts bought at the store sometimes accompany the congee.
Traditional lunch in Iran: sangak, cheese and sweet tea
In Iran, breakfast usually consists of “a thin pancake of bread ( lavash , babary , or sangak ) with feta-like cheese, butter, and sweet tea,” says Goli Rassouli, a Canadian of immigrant descent. Iranians. Variations can be made by adding eggs , boiled or cooked beans, fresh cream, jam or honey .
According to Ms. Rassoulie, another very popular dish is “a mixture of yogurt and milk, smoothened and sweetened, in which you dip your bread”. For a more festive breakfast, Iranians eat kaleh-pacheh , a broth of sheep’s head and feet served with wheat porridge.
Traditional lunch in Argentina: dulce de leche, pancakes and pastries
In Argentina, breakfast is taken the European way, “but with an added touch of sweetness,” says Sobeski, who also worked in the Latin American country as an English teacher. Argentinians love dulce de leche , a caramelized milk even sweeter than caramel. In a well-known fast food chain, they put dulce de leche on pancakes instead of syrup. In general, however, people have a breakfast of pastries and coffee, like in France or Italy. It’s not a big meal, just a few bites to last you until lunch. »
Traditional lunch in Australia: bread, cereals and milk
The traditional breakfast now includes bread, cereal and milk, according to a study by the University of Wollongong. This American-style breakfast became popular in the second half of the 20th century , but before that, the English-style cooked breakfast was preferred by Australians. Thus, the study notes that Australians over the age of 65 are more likely to eat hot cereals such as oatmeal, and to have more fruit, tea and coffee than younger adults.
Traditional lunch in Ghana: egg and hot chocolate sandwich
“In Ghana, people often eat a simple egg sandwich that they buy from the local canteen. This sandwich consists of two fried eggs with a little tomato and onion. Those with more means accompany it with a Nescafé or hot chocolate , notes Conor McCreery, a Canadian who worked as a journalist for a Ghanaian daily. The kenke (or kenkey ) is also very popular and is perhaps even more common than the egg sandwich. It is made of fermented and pounded corn that is eaten mashed with a spicy sauce. »
Traditional lunch in Japan: rice, fish and miso soup
Traditional lunch in Spain: toast and olive oil, croissants and jams
“We eat toast with olive oil , on which some rub a clove of garlic. But like many other Europeans, the Spanish breakfast can also consist of toast and jam or croissants. In winter, I take a glass of hot milk with cereals, sugar and Colacao (a commercial sweet chocolate powder), says Alfredo Garcia, a Spaniard.
“Unlike North Americans, we have a glass of milk with a little cereal, not the other way around. As in Italy, those in a hurry will content themselves with a cup of coffee or milk. In the heat of summer, breakfast becomes lazier, “we add ice cubes to our coffee or our tea, we eat with friends and family, and some even smoke cigars “.