Discover the impressive Preikestolen cliff in Norway

This cliff located in Norway overlooks the waters of the Lysefjord. It takes 2 hours of walking to reach it since there is a 350m drop and the hike is about 3.8km through heather, rocks and lakes. If you go to the South-West of Norway on the territory of the municipality of Forsand. Its flat shape on the top makes it possible to observe the landscape on a 600m² platform and it rises 604m above the northern shore of Lysefjord.

This cliff is very famous for its shape. The authorities have also chosen not to install security barriers, which allows the beauty of the landscape and the cliff to be preserved. Just be careful. Accidents are rare, despite the 200,000 annual visitors. Moreover, there would be only one fatal accident recognized since the opening to visitors.

The rock bears this name because it means “The Pulpit” in Norwegian, as the cliff is comparable to the shape of a pulpit. However, the old name was Hyvlatånnå which meant “planed tooth”, because the shape of this cliff can also be compared to that of a broken or planed tooth. If you want to get there, just go to the Ryfylke landskap of Rogaland county in the municipality of Forsand.

Source: Google Maps
Source : Google Maps

Pour l’histoire, sachez que cette falaise a près de 10 000 ans. Elle a été construite à la fin de la période glaciaire. À cause du retrait des glaces, les roches se sont fragmentées. Le climat et la gravité touchent un peu plus les roches chaque année et des failles de détachement apparaissent. Certains sont toujours visibles et situés à la base de Preikestolen, ce qui la sépare du reste de la montagne.

falaise Pulpit
Credits: Pxhere

Mohamed SAKHRI
Mohamed SAKHRI

I am Mohamed SAKHRI, the creator and editor-in-chief of this blog, 'Discover the World – The Blog for Curious Travelers.' Join me as we embark on a journey around the world, uncovering beautiful places, diverse cultures, and captivating stories. Additionally, we will delve into mysterious and, at times, even bizarre destinations.

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