The 5 Most Unusual Places to Visit in France

When looking for ideas for holiday destinations, many people dream of crossing the border to enjoy more “  exotic  ” landscapes. A small affront to our dear country, which is full of absolutely incredible places and diverse and varied horizons. Why go so far if everything is at your fingertips? Traveling in France also means favoring the locals and thus helping people who make a living from tourism. If you are still not convinced, here is a list of unusual places to do with the family that will prove to you how much France can also be original.

Postman Cheval’s Ideal Palace (Drôme)

The 5 Most Unusual Places to Visit in France

If you want to take in the view, you absolutely must go to the small village of Hauterives, in Drôme. It is indeed there that from 1879 to 1912, Ferdinand Cheval built his Ideal Palace. A work of a lifetime made with stones that the postman found on his way during his mail delivery. It is now a monument visited by thousands of people each year as it is impressive and unique.

The cave of Lascaux IV (New Aquitaine)

Discovered by chance in 1940, the Lascaux cave is a true marvel of prehistory, which has enabled many specialists to learn more about this mysterious period. Quickly, hundreds of visitors crowded into the cavity to discover the paintings of yesteryear. A craze that had consequences on the quality of the paintings which gradually deteriorated. Today it is possible to visit a reproduction of the Lascaux cave in a center called “  Lascaux 4“. It is not the only prehistoric site on the territory. There are indeed others, such as the Cave of Pair-non-Pair in Gironde or that of Sare, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. 

The catacombs of Paris

Not always known to the French, the catacombs of Paris nevertheless represent an important part of the history of the capital . They were in fact transformed into the main ossuary in the 18th century. Thus, the remains of nearly six million people are found there. Located twenty meters underground, the catacombs of Paris can be visited over approximately 1.7 km in length . They are, however, much larger than that, as most of this underground ossuary is not accessible to the public.

The troglodyte village of Rochemenier (Maine-et-Loire)

In the old village of Rochemenier, you can find an incredible troglodyte village, with cellars dug directly into the limestone, of which you can only see the chimneys emerging from the ground. Several small monuments are open to the public and promise a real change of scenery, both for informed adults and for children who will certainly have stars in their eyes.

The Universe of the scrap metal poet (Morbihan)

If this outing may seem more suitable for children, it is not. Adults too can marvel at the 80 animated sculptures that Robert Coudray has created. The latter took over twenty years to realize this fantastic world completely out of time. An idea that certainly seemed far-fetched at first, but which today allows for extraordinary family outings .

Mohamed SAKHRI
Mohamed SAKHRI

I am Mohamed SAKHRI, the creator and editor-in-chief of this blog, 'Discover the World – The Blog for Curious Travelers.' Join me as we embark on a journey around the world, uncovering beautiful places, diverse cultures, and captivating stories. Additionally, we will delve into mysterious and, at times, even bizarre destinations.

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