The most beautiful tourist attractions in Kyoto, Japan

For more than a thousand years, Kyoto has been the capital of Japan, and although it is not the largest city in the country, it is one of the wonderful historical destinations in this beautiful country, so that you will enjoy a lot when visiting between the unique architecture, ancient monuments and temples, and in the next report you will learn More on a number of these beautiful sights in this wonderful city.

Topic content

  • The most beautiful sights when visiting Kyoto
    • Nijo Castle
    • Ryuanji Temple
    • Arashiyama Bamboo Forest
    • Sanjusangendo Temple
    • Philosopher’s Walk
    • Jeon District
    • Ginkakuji Temple
    • Kiyomizu-dera
    • Fushimi Inari Shrine
    • golden wing
    • shiki market

The most beautiful sights when visiting Kyoto

Nijo Castle

When most people imagine castles, they have in mind the stone gothic palaces of Europe, but in Kyoto you will also enjoy Nijo Castle made of wood, which is famous for its very impressive design. Nijo Castle was built in the 17th century with the help of all the feudal lords in Western Japan to help finance the construction.

The palace itself is made of cypress wood and golden leaf that is widely used in Japan, along with the ceilings with golden mosaics.

Ryuanji Temple

Ryuanji is a beautiful temple in northern Kyoto, dating back to the eleventh century, that served as a mausoleum for a number of Japanese emperors after their departure. While these tombs can still be visited, the temple’s large rock gardens are of the greatest interest from visitors from all over Japan and even from the whole world.

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Arashiyama Bamboo Forest

Arashiyama is a neighborhood on the western outskirts of the city, where you can find a host of temples and monuments, and perhaps the most famous attraction in this area, is undoubtedly the famous bamboo forest, whose visit is actually an amazing, surreal experience, where you can stand next to thousands, or Perhaps millions of green bamboo stalks growing straight towards the sky. Moreover, the bamboo forest in Arashiyama is home to a number of very friendly monkeys, who will entertain and even greet you as you walk along the grove.

Sanjusangendo Temple

Sanjusangendo Temple, a beautifully designed landmark in Kyoto, was built in the 12th century to be home to archery tournaments and even jousts that have since become a Japanese legend. It is worth noting that as you approach the temple, you will be faced with an impressive collection of statues that number over 1,000, including some that rise more than 3 meters (11 feet).

Philosopher’s Walk

The Philosopher’s Walk is a simple pedestrian path that runs alongside a canal in Kyoto. On both sides of the walk are magnificent cherry trees that give the road a scenic appearance with a group of unique landscapes, and although the Philosopher’s Walk extends for shorter than two miles, but it passes a number of important shrines and temples. .

The famous Japanese philosopher Nishida Kitaro used to walk along this walk daily to enjoy meditation, until the path was later called the Philosopher’s Path. However, you don’t have to be a philosopher to enjoy the most beautiful views and scenery. During this visit, you can take a large number of pictures of cherry trees and see a number of tourist attractions in Kyoto within an hour’s walk.

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Jeon District

During the Middle Ages, the Gion district on the banks of the Kamo River was a famous historical place in the heart of Kyoto. Today, Gion is one of the few places left in Kyoto, where you can participate in traditional Japanese rituals, including the teahouse culture, which is In a full traditional tea service experience or even a local meal in an authentic Japanese setting, geisha, who are Japanese hostesses and entertainers, participate in that experience to entertain guests, as part of Japan’s 4,000-year-old heritage.

Ginkakuji Temple


If the Japanese Ginkakuji is the Golden Pavilion, the Ginkakuji is the Silver Pavilion that was completed in 1490 in Kyoto. Beautifully designed temple, though not decorated with silver as it had been planned.


Kiyomizu-dera is a Buddhist temple that dates back to the 8th century, however, the current buildings of the temple were built primarily in the 16th century, and surprisingly, not a single nail was used in its construction, relying instead on woodwork and architectural skills complex and advanced. There is a waterfall inside the temple complex, which is called Kiyomizu-dera.

Fushimi Inari Shrine

Fushimi Inari Shrine is the most impressive landmark in all of Kyoto at the base of a mountain also called Inari, known for its massive 18-foot torii gate that marks the entrance to the shrine. A beautiful view of Kyoto.

This shrine, which still holds religious significance, is an incredibly important place for the locals, and when you visit the shrine, be sure to look out for vendors from the sweet sellers of Tsubura Senbei, a type of local cake for the region.

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golden wing

The Golden Pavilion is one of the most famous buildings in all of Japan, known to locals as Kinkakuji. This Buddhist temple was originally a privately owned structure, but at the end of the 14th century it was converted into a three-story temple, with three main Japanese styles of architecture. : Samurai, Zen and Shinden.

Perhaps the splendor of the beautiful surroundings of the temple, the manicured gardens, and the wonderful harmony of the beautiful natural features, things attract more visitors to the temple.

shiki market

Ishiki Market is the perfect choice for lovers of trying local food in Kyoto, as this market contains more than a hundred food stalls with products ranging from snacks like takoyaki to meals like ramen.

According to the Japan National Tourism Organization, the ancient capital of Kyoto is the most popular destination for foreign visitors to Japan. It is a city that embodies everything visitors think of Japanese traditions, including ancient temples, ryokans (traditional Japanese inn style), with cafes, and geisha. , etc., all of which are still preserved in the original tradition of the city.

Just as Kyoto is famous for its wonderful temples and shrines, it also has unbelievable shopping opportunities as the best place in Japan to buy authentic Japanese goods. Museums, galleries and green spaces.

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Mohamed SAKHRI

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